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OsteoTrace is one of my favourite dietary supplements. I take two tablets a day (with food) to help stop my osteoporosis getting worse, and with the aim of preventing arthritis developing. Most people take it for their arthritis and arthritis pain.

OsteoTrace is the mix of minerals and vitamins developed by Dr. Rex Newnham to treat (successfully) his own worsening arthritis. Principal amongst the minerals is boron, following Rex's observation that the lower the levels of boron in the soil and water of an area, the higher the levels of arthritis in the people living in that area.

Each tablet of OsteoTrace contains three milligrams of boron (in the form sodium tetraborate), so three tablets a day taken with food (the therapeutic dosage recommended by Rex) keeps you at the Optimum Daily Allowance (ODA) of nine milligrams and well below the Safe Upper Limit/Tolerable Upper Intake Level (SUL/TUIL) of 20 milligrams a day.

The other fifteen nutrients in OsteoTrace were chosen specifically with bone health in mind, but are also good for the body as a whole, making it a powerful and cost-effective (£9.99 per tub of 90 tablets) daily multi-vitamin as well. Here is the full list:
  • Boron (3mg) not only increases bone hardness and relieves arthritic and rheumatoid pain, but also helps the body to convert vitamin D2 into vitamin D3, the form of vitamin D the body uses to: absorb calcium from food; protect against loss of bone mineral density and osteoporosis; protect against (e.g.) colon, breast, prostate and ovarian cancers, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, acute lower respiratory infection, obesity, type 1 diabetes and depression
  • B vitamins aid amino acid metabolism, a key factor in bone and tissue repair. They can also reduce oedema, pain, joint stiffness, sensory numbness and tingling. Specifically ...
  • Vitamin B3 (10mg) helps the body digest carbohydrates, fats and proteins, improves blood circulation, and reduces blood cholesterol
  • Vitamin B5 (9mg) is very effective for joint pain
  • Vitamin B6 (10mg) helps build up collagen
  • Vitamin B12 (3mcg) activates the enzymes which help maintain cell health
  • Vitamin C (200mg) helps to prevent inflammation at the joints
  • Calcium (83mg) protects against osteoporosis and essential for optimal bone health
  • Copper (81mcg) helps the body absorb iron from food and turn protein into muscle. It also works with vitamin C to help the body form elastin, an important part of connective tissues, and promotes healing in general
  • Vitamin D2 (10mcg) plays an important role in calcium absorption and bone health
  • Magnesium (12mg) helps disperse calcium throughout the body. Inadequate levels of magnesium leads to low calcium levels
  • Manganese (4.5mg) helps with the formation of connective tissue and is essential for strong bones
  • Molybdenum (25mcg) helps the body absorb nutrients, remove toxins, and is essential for normal sexual function
  • Phosphorus (68.6mg) works with zinc to help maintain bones
    and teeth
  • Selenium (30mcg) is a powerful anti-oxidant which helps maintain tissue elasticity and slows the ageing process
  • Zinc (5mg) is key to many body functions, including physical development and growth, wound healing and good
    enzyme functioning
  • Kelp (7.5mg) is a good source of iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and other trace nutrients

People's response to OsteoTrace

One therapist who has found that many of her patients respond well to OsteoTrace is Marianne Woollhead. Some time back she decided to document her clients' response more formally, and sent me a copy of the feedback she sent to her fellow McTimoney Chiropracters ...

Dear Colleagues,
I wanted to test OsteoTrace out so I suggested to a handful of clients that they buy the recommended three-month course and see if it helped. The results were very good. Just over half reported reduced joint pain and improved mobility. Another quarter reported benefit. The remaining quarter did not feel that OsteoTrace had benefitted them but passed the rest of the pills on to others with very positive results.

I considered these results very good and now recommend OsteoTrace to all my clients with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

Best wishes,
Marianne Woollhead D.C.

Boron, specifically

Dr. J.R. Mansfield (past president of the British Society for Allergy, Environmental and Nutritional Medicine) stated that boron supplementation had doubled his success rate when treating people with osteo-arthritis. He also said that Rex deserved enormous credit for his single-handed discovery “which should ... result in millions of people being spared the agonies of this highly unpleasant condition”.


Please visit the Green Health Watch Magazine page
Please visit The OsteoTrace Shop to read more about
and buy OsteoTrace

Click here for more articles on boron


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