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Showing posts from May, 2020

Five-a-day? Ten? Lucky thirteen?

It is generally accepted that: eating a 200g (gram) mix of vegetables and fruit (V&F) a day (two and a half 80g portions) reduces one's risk of: developing heart disease by 16% having a stroke by 18% developing cardiovascular disease by 13% developing cancer by 4% and succumbing to premature death by any cause by 15% eating a 400g mix of V&F a day (the UK Department of Health's Five 80g Servings of Vegetables and Fruit A Day' recommendation) reduces the risks of developing these diseases significantly more, and ... In February 2017 a very large review and meta-analysis conducted by Dagfinn Aune and colleagues (which pooled and re-analysed the findings of 95 studies covering around two million people) 1 concluded that: eating 800g of F&V a day appeared to have reduced the risks by even more, viz: of developing heart disease by 24% of having a stroke by 33% of developing cardiovascular disease by 28% of...