Firstly, apologies for having been away for so long - the article below explains most of what happened and may, I hope, be of help to some. Secondly, an introduction. I am Nick Anderson, caretaker of this page, editor of Green Health Watch Magazine and, since very recently, founder of The OsteoTrace Shop webshop. Over Christmas 2016 I had a ‘biological event’ which was diagnosed as a ‘transient ischaemic attack’ (TIA, aka ‘mini-stroke’). A TIA is defined as ‘a short-term disruption of the blood supply to part of the brain’. It can last from a few minutes to 24 hours (after which it is re-diagnosed as a (full-blown) stroke). This disruption of the blood supply to the brain is usually caused by an abnormal blood clot that has formed elsewhere in the body and travelled to and blocked a blood vessel supplying the brain. Abnormal clots can also be formed from pieces of fatty material or air bubbles. The disruption in the blood supply results in a lack of oxygen (amon...