There are several ways to promote a very slightly alkaline/neutral pH (potential of Hydrogen) in the mouth, e.g. : by brushing your teeth with a very slightly alkaline/neutral pH toothpaste (like Weleda Salt Toothpaste or Green People Fennel & Propolis Toothpaste) about an hour after every meal, snack and drink (other than pure water) to remove: any food or drink residues any tartar or dental plaque that may be forming (see Edi below) ( ) ( ) Eating or drinking anything acidic softens both dental enamel and dentine, making them more vulnerable to erosion by brushing, so brushing sooner is unwise. Please note that ‘acidic foods’ and ‘alkaline foods’ are not the same as ‘acidifying foods’ and ‘alkalising foods’ (see Edii below). by swilling a small mouthful of water around the mouth and between the teeth after every meal, snack ...
There are several ways to promote a very slightly alkaline/neutral pH (potential of Hydrogen) in the mouth, e.g. : by brushing your teeth with a very slightly alkaline/neutral pH toothpaste (like Weleda Salt Toothpaste or Green People Fennel & Propolis Toothpaste) about an hour after every meal, snack and drink (other than pure water) to remove: any food or drink residues any tartar or dental plaque that may be forming (see Edi below) ( ( Eating or drinking anything acidic softens both dental enamel and dentine, making them more vulnerable to erosion by brushing, so brushing sooner is unwise. Please note that ‘acidic foods’ and ‘alkaline foods’ ...